(2008) A Quicker Blood

In 2008 I was again contacted by actor and screen-writer Hamadi Mwapachu to work on his story A Quicker Blood. In 2004 we had talked about the possibility of working on a comic book version of the A Quicker Blood script. This idea came to fruition in 2008. The idea was to complete the story in comic book form and eventually release it as a graphic novel. Unfortunately the project was never completed. We decided to give the comic a very film-like, storyboard type appearance.

A video showing a sequence of preliminary storyboards used in the creation of this project can be found in the videos section of this website.

Below are the 16 pages that were completed, together with a selection of stand-alone versions of the frames and unused concepts from the project.

Please click on the thumbnails below to view the images.

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